Here are some important ways to save energy and money in your home, office and in your community.
At Home
- Wash clothes in cold water
- Hang clothes to dry
- Turn off lights in empty rooms
- Use motion sensors to turn lights on
- Plan driving errands to combine trips
- Walk more, drive less
- Install Compact Fluorescent lighting (CFL)
- Turn the thermostat down
- Unplug AC/DC adapters when batteries are charged
- Don’t use the dry cycle in the dishwasher
- Install proper installation
- Use reusable containers
- Pick up canned and dry goods once a week or a month
- Use glass and aluminium
- Take your shoes off to save the carpet
- Unplug unused appliances
- Make cold dinners
- Use Natural pesticides/fertilizers
- Buy rechargeable batteries
- Dispose of batteries properly
- Buy fruits and vegetables locally
At Work
- Use recycled paper.
- Print on both sides of the paper
- Turn your computer screen off when you leave your desk
- Use single-serving coffee makers
- Send electronic instead of paper documents
- Buy rechargeable batteries
- Provide ceramic coffee cups to employees
- Buy equipment and supplies made locally whenever possible
- Use motion sensors to turn lights on
- Join a carpool or take public transportation
- Turn the thermostat down
- Buy only Energy Star equipment and appliances
- Use email instead of fax or regular mail when possible
- Install water filters on water taps, eliminate bottled water
- Separate recyclable trash from garbage
- If you don’t turn your computer off, put it in stand-by when you leave
- Buy natural cleaning products
In The Community
- Carpool with neighbors to school or the shopping mall
- Put the leaf blowers away and get out the rakes
- Water early in the morning or after the sun sets
- Bring your own bags when shopping
- Don’t idle at the train station or in parking lots
- Create a community garden for herbs, fruits and vegetables
- Recycle dead branches and lawn waste as mulch
- Ask your local government to institute green policies
- Form walking/biking clubs
- Form a subscription club to swap newspapers and magazines
- Plant more trees
- BBQ with neighbors to use less propane/charcoal
- Cut grass less frequently or use a push mower
- Schedule garage sales on the same day
- Use reusable dishware for parties
- Plant indigenous trees and shrubs that need little water
- Use natural fertilizers and pesticides
- Collect rainwater in covered containers for plants and trees